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  • Mind.University App: your pocket-sized university
  • Co-create and Shape Mind University together
  • Explore Unique Courses and Podcasts
  • Download App in App Store and Google Play
Mind.University app application
Learning, exploring, and connecting on one application.

Mind.University App: your pocket-sized university

Nowadays, education means much more than before. There are methods that might be considered unconventional or outdated or on the opposite side - too innovative and new. Mind University is the place that allows you to explore everything the way you want to. Students can learn about new things and innovative technology while at the same time gaining knowledge of traditional science and healing opportunities.

In today's fast-paced world, staying informed and learning continuously are ore important than ever. Mind University experts and creators, the educational team relies on the goal of educating. These days, there are a lot of sources, so we want to make it easier and provide one place with all the information you need. Everything in one place on your phone.

With the launch of the Mind.University app, staying updated with university news and diving deep into learning has never been easier. This app isn’t just another tool; it’s a game-changer that brings the university experience right into your pocket.

Mind.University app can keep us connected.
Mind.University app can keep us connected.

Co-create and Shape Mind University together

The Mind.University app isn't just a news feed; it's your passport to a world of limitless learning and discovery. Imagine a place where you can dive into the wonders of ancient civilizations, explore the frontiers of AI, navigate the evolving landscape of Web3, and nurture your mind with healing practices. This platform is designed to push the boundaries of traditional education, offering you insights and knowledge that often remain untouched by mainstream media or conventional academia.

Why just follow along when you can actively shape the future? With the Mind.University app, you have the chance to co-create and contribute to a vibrant community committed to exploration and innovation. Whether your passion lies in Artificial Intelligence, the revolutionary potential of Web3, holistic healing techniques, or expanding your mental prowess, there's something here for everyone.

Alternative History Page
Alternative History Page

You can engage with cutting-edge discoveries, connect with like-minded individuals, and delve into topics that ignite your curiosity. This isn’t just about learning; it’s about experiencing education in a way that empowers you to make a real impact. We embrace you to build a future together, where every idea matters and every voice is heard.

Explore Unique Courses and Podcasts

What truly sets the Mind.University app apart are its unique courses and podcasts, specifically designed to broaden your horizons and challenge conventional learning.

At the forefront is the "Infinite Minds" podcast. Here, the host engages in thought-provoking conversations with different AIs, exploring topics such as the future of humanity with AI and the barriers of consciousness. Each episode offers unique insights, pushing the boundaries of current understanding and inspiring you to think in new and innovative ways.

Episodes of infinite Minds
Episodes of infinite Minds

Another standout feature is the "Self-Healing Lessons with Radionics." This course delves into the principles and techniques of radionics for self-healing, empowering you with practical skills to enhance your well-being. Discover how to unlock your inner powers and master active meditation and empowerment through guided lessons.

Radionics Lessons
Radionics Lessons
The Mind.University app goes beyond just providing information; it fosters critical thinking and encourages you to venture into unexplored realms of knowledge. Whether you're intrigued by the esoteric aspects of human consciousness or seeking practical techniques for self-improvement, this app is your essential guide.

Joining the Mind University community means being part of a movement to transform how we learn and interact with knowledge. Your engagement—whether as a learner, teacher, or collaborator—is highly valued and rewarded. Contribute your unique insights and help shape the future of this groundbreaking educational initiative.

Download App in App Store and Google Play

Combining a news platform, social media, and educational program into one seamless experience, the Mind.University app connects you with peers and introduces you to a world of transformative learning. Download it today from App Store or Google Play and start your journey into the future of education.

Mind University App screens
Mind University App screens